TAM C0314818
Unlocking the Potential of Telomerase
Activation for Anti-Aging
TAM C0314818
Unlocking the Potential of Telomerase
Activation for Anti-Aging
“I never thought aging was inevitable. I just thought nobody had figured it out yet.”
– Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
“I never thought aging was inevitable. I just thought nobody had figured it out yet.”
– Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
A groundbreaking discovery in the field of anti-aging research, TAM C0314818 is a Telomerase Activating Molecule (TAM) developed by Dr. Bill Andrews, a renowned molecular biologist and founder of Sierra Sciences, a biotech company at the forefront of anti-aging research. This state-of-the-art compound is able to counteract telomere shortening, which is considered the fundamental cause of aging. By inducing telomerase to function normally and promoting cell division, TAM C0314818 holds the promise of rejuvenating and revitalizing cells, leading to a healthier and more youthful existence.
The Journey of Discovery
Bill Andrews Ph.D., credited with the discovery of the human telomerase gene, has dedicated his entire career to understanding and halting the aging process, and has made significant contributions to the field of anti-aging research. He was one of the principal discoverers of both the RNA and protein components of human telomerase, earning 2nd place as National Inventor of the Year in 1997. TAM C0314818 emerged as a result of Dr. Andrews’ relentless pursuit of compounds that activate telomerase, aiming to counteract the effects of telomerase inhibiting substances.

Dr. Bill Andrews with a colleague in the lab at Sierra Sciences, Reno, Nevada USA
The Discovery Process
The journey towards TAM C0314818’s discovery was a culmination of extensive research and experimentation. Dr. Andrews and his team initially employed a meticulous recombinant DNA approach. They painstakingly modified DNA bases within the telomerase gene to identify modifications that could bypass the regulatory molecule, or repressor, responsible for keeping the gene switched off. After seven years of effort, the team had a near-miss, identifying “a” repressor but not “the” repressor they were seeking. This prompted a shift in strategy to a more direct approach.
In 2006, the team purchased libraries of hundreds of thousands of chemical compounds and tested each one to determine their ability to activate telomerase in cultured human cells. Fibroblasts, which are skin and connective tissue cells, were chosen for testing due to their stability and limited ability to express telomerase in the lab.
After an extensive year and a half of testing, a breakthrough came on the 57,684th attempt when the team discovered C0057684, a compound that exhibited telomerase activation. Although unsuitable as a drug due to its toxicity, it served as a valuable control for subsequent tests. Its discovery allowed the team to fine-tune their detection methods to recognize even fainter levels of telomerase activation.
Testing persisted, and after nearly 400,000 experiments, the team finally identified C0314818, the telomerase-activating compound with remarkable potential for combating telomere shortening and aging.
“Ever since I was a little kid when my father first came up to me and said he didn’t understand why nobody’s cured aging yet, that was like 50 years ago and he says, ‘Bill since you’re so interested in science, when you grow up you should become a doctor and find a cure for aging.’ and here I am. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since then.”
– Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
“Ever since I was a little kid when my father first came up to me and said he didn’t understand why nobody’s cured aging yet, that was like 50 years ago and he says, ‘Bill since you’re so interested in science, when you grow up you should become a doctor and find a cure for aging.’ and here I am. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since then.”
– Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
A Personal Mission
Driven by his father’s belief that aging could be cured, Dr. Andrews embarked on a lifelong mission to overcome the limitations of aging. Ever since he learned about telomeres’ role in the aging process, he has been unwavering in his pursuit of preventing telomere shortening and re-lengthening telomeres, working towards a future where aging becomes a treatable condition.
The Future of TAMs
TAM C0314818 is currently the most effective telomerase activating compound commercially available. Though it has been proven in human clinical trials to increase telomere length, and thus decrease biological age, it is not powerful enough to achieve true age reversal. However, Dr. Andrews and his team have made significant advancements, and now have a Telomere Lengthening Therapy that is 3,500 times stronger than TAM that can slow down and even reverse the aging process. These compounds also hold the potential to revolutionize our understanding and management of aging. Previous studies conducted at Harvard University demonstrated the ability to reverse aging in rats and rejuvenate old skin cells, offering a glimpse into the potential of telomerase activation.
Challenges and the Path Ahead
While the prospects of such enhanced TAMs are exciting, there are significant challenges to overcome. The costs associated with manufacturing these compounds at scale, as well as the process of obtaining FDA certification are astronomical. However, given enough investment and public support, it could mark the beginning of a transformative era for humanity. The potential to reverse aging and its associated ailments would revolutionize healthcare and redefine what it means to grow old.
With its ability to counteract and suppress telomere shortening, which is considered the fundamental cause of aging, TAM C0314818 represents a significant advancement in anti-aging research. However, the pioneering work of Dr. Bill Andrews and his team has led to the development of TAMs with even greater potential to reverse the aging process. But challenges remain, with significant investment needed for both research and certification before these compounds can be brought to market. The future holds tremendous promise for telomerase activation, offering new avenues to extend and improve human life.
“Ultimately, it’s public attitudes that will determine how fast a cure for aging becomes a reality. The science itself is clear and rather straightforward: it is completely possible to convince our bodies to stop aging. It is completely possible to live long, healthy lives at our physical prime. And it is completely possible at a level of technology that is extremely close to what we already have today.”
– Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
“Ultimately, it’s public attitudes that will determine how fast a cure for aging becomes a reality. The science itself is clear and rather straightforward: it is completely possible to convince our bodies to stop aging. It is completely possible to live long, healthy lives at our physical prime. And it is completely possible at a level of technology that is extremely close to what we already have today.”
– Bill Andrews, Ph.D.
Part of the proceeds of Defytime’s sales go towards furthering Dr. Bill’s telomere research to cure aging.
The Proof
Up to 43.5%
longer telomere length
Over 90%
success rate
Up to 10 years
younger biological age